Go! FE Programme
Attendance Pattern:
5 days per week, 9.00am - 3.00pm
Min 2 years, Max 3 years
Target group:
This is a non-accredited course aimed at young people between the ages of 19 – 25 who have profound and complex learning disabilities. Many will have additional needs in the areas of physical disability, medical needs, communication, sensory integration and behavioural difficulties. Most students on this course will require 1:1 support throughout a learning programme and very high levels of support to access leisure and enrichment opportunities.
The types of key outcomes that can be achieved on this course:
All students receive a personal learning plan that sets out individualised targets matched to their personal aspirations and current abilities. They also have the opportunity to work towards Entry-level ASDAN units in Personal Progress. Below are some examples of the kinds of outcomes our students work towards during their course.
Contexts for communication (including early English and Maths skills)
Using objects, photos, pictures, sounds or smells to communicate about their own life and experiences.
Being able to gain attention in positive ways.
Developing an awareness of personal time and familiar routines.
To maintain and develop physicality and physical skills to support good health and well-being (including postural care), increase balance and coordination, achieve Winstrada Stages in Rebound therapy, improve stamina and strength.
Personal and Social
Developing skills that foster positive social relationships and engagement in their local community. Increasing tolerance of busy environments and understanding of daily routines.
ICT / Creative
Using technology and creative arts for self-expression and enjoyment. Developing an understanding of cause-and-effect and opportunity for self-agency.
ASDAN Personal Progress Units
Early Maths, Early English, Engaging with the world around you, Engaging with self-help and independence skills, Engaging in new creative activities, developing community participation skills.
Entry Requirements:
Early Stage Communicator
Level of independence
Students applying for this course will be in receipt of an EHCP unless they are very new to the UK.
Students applying for this course will usually have communication skills that show emerging intentionality or which are pre-intentional.
Students applying for this course will usually have communication skills that show emerging intentionality or which are pre-intentional.
How to apply for this course:
Professionals referral
Family / carer referral
Careers Advisors, social workers or EHCP coordinators can apply for this course via the EHCP consultation route.
Parents/carers or school teachers may apply for this course directly to the college and the college will advise you on any further steps required to notify your local authority of your preference.